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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Adobe Photoshop Elements 15 (and 14) Introduction Quick Reference Guide (Cheat Sheet of Instructions, Tips & Shortcuts - Laminated Card)

Item Code: 1944684174
Condition: New
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Laminated quick reference guide showing step-by-step instructions and shortcuts for how to use Adobe Photoshop Elements 15 (and 14). Content has not changed between version 14 and 15. If you have a version of this guide that only mentions 14 in the title, it is equivalent. Written with Beezix's trademark focus on clarity, accuracy, and the user's perspective, this guide will be a valuable resource to improve your proficiency in using Adobe Photoshop Elements. This guide is suitable as a training handout, or simply an easy to use reference guide, for any type of user. Covers BOTH Windows & Mac versions of Elements.

Topics include:

Editor and Organizer - What they are for, launching, and switching between.
Using eLive
Switching Between Editing Modes
Working with Files
Switching Between Open Files
Reverting to the Original Image
Comparing Original and Edited Image
Rotating an Image
Viewing Options for the Current Tool: Tool Options Bar
Adjusting Zoom
Using the Hand Tool
Resizing an Image
Using the Guided Edit Mode
Adjusting Brush Size and Hardness
Making Selections: Quick Selection Tool, Selection Brush Tool
Cut, Copy, Paste - What's Special
Using the Adjustment Panel
Fixing Red Eye
Using the Healing Tools
Using Masking
Straightening the Image
Cropping an Image
Adding Effects, Textures, or Frames in Quick Mode
Adding Text
Organizer: Importing Images, Viewing Images, Using Albums.

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