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Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Click Your Way to the Canine Good Citizen: A fun, low-stress way to teach your dog the skills needed to pass the American Kennel Club's Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Test

Item Code: 1500897175
Condition: New
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Whether you are an experienced dog show aficionado or an owner simply looking to have a well-trained dog, Click Your Way to the Canine Good Citizen is the book for you. Clicker training is a fun, low-stress way to teach your dog life skills needed to pass the Canine Good Citizen test. Clicker training cultivates enthusiastic canine learners, and strengthens your bond with your dog. This book explains the clicker training process in detail, and clearly demonstrates how it is used to teach the skills needed to pass each of the ten elements of the Canine Good Citizen test. Additional skills such as socialization and ignoring distractions are also covered. The book culminates with a chapter on putting you and your dog’s newly-learned skills into action by explaining how to use them in each step of the test. Dr. Allen’s gentle methods are appropriate for puppies, retried show dogs, rescue dogs, and dogs of all breeds. Even if you have trained dogs before, this book will teach you to become a smarter, more understanding dog trainer.

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